The Importance of Cleaning Your Lint Screen After Every Dryer Use

While servicing a large apartment complex recently, with each unit having their own laundry facilities, we came to the realization that many people don’t really know how to use a dryer properly. This complex is predominantly occupied with younger residents in their 20’s. It is a very well maintained and appointed facility with a beautiful pool, sand volleyball court, outdoor grill, outdoor and indoor meeting areas, and a fitness center that rivals many chain gyms. The one thing it doesn’t come with is instructions on how to maintain your own living area.

This was our first service at this facility and we quickly came to the conclusion that most people don’t know the basics of how to use a dryer. Many of the dryers were so occluded with lint that we had a hard time removing the lint screen. Having grown up doing my own laundry since the age of 13, I thought it was well known that the lint screen had to cleaned with EVERY LOAD. There were multiple dryers we serviced where when we removed the lint screen, the amount of loads done in this dryer without cleaning the screen could be counted like the rings of a 100 year old oak tree. I could distinctly count 22 different colored layers of lint. Twenty-two!!! How could this happen, not to just one unit in this 350 unit complex, but at least 25-30 units?

Layered Lint in a Dryer Vent Screen

We hear a lot about the Millennial generation, and grumblings from the previous generations of how “bad” or “lost” they are. But the onus falls on the previous generations for failing to pass on much needed knowledge on how to live safely in their own homes. Bull dozer parenting is the term used to describe parents who cleared the way of any obstacles for their precious child so he/she can succeed without experiencing any defeats or setbacks. These parents have done everything for their children, including their laundry, even as those children become adults and still live at home well into their 20’s. The kids of 10 years ago, are now adults and in many ways are clueless to the workings of the world. Things that many of us take for granted, are not being passed down to the next generation- and could serious put them at risk.

When something as simple as cleaning the lint screen is not done regularly with every load, your dryer has to work harder and longer to dry the clothes. This could very easily lead to premature machine breakdown or something much more devastating, a fire. As a professional firefighter for over 27 years, I have seen many dryer fires. Nearly each and every one of those dryer fires were completely preventable with correct usage and regular dryer and dryer vent cleaning by a professional company such as Lintfighters. Lintfighters has been “Saving Dryers and Preventing Fires” since 2008.

In an effort to combat possible issues in the year following our service of this complex before we return, Lintfighters is coming up with a simple rule cheat sheet for the residents on how to safely do their laundry. We can now feel like proud parents watching their children blossom into fully functioning adults- at least in this apartment complex…

Allo yourself the same peace of mind - or call 844-LINT-911